En español
Desde que están demostrados los efectos neutralizadores del ácido ascórbico con respecto a la acción de hipersensibilidad provocada especialmente por drogas como las arsenicales (arsenaminas, arsfenamina, mafarseno etc.), hemos deseado comprobar si tal terapéutica cabe aplicarla en los accidentes determinados por las sales de oro.
Diversos son los métodos empleados como desintoxicantes en tales circunstancias; la aplicación de calcio, hiposulfito de sodio y magnesio.
En español
1) Neutralizant effects of ascorbic acid in relation to the action of hypersensibility provoked by drugs such as arsenical, have determined this study with regard to C vitamin, if it behaves itself in the same manner with the accidents provoked by aurotherapy.
2) Specific action of ascorbic acid reveals C hypovitaminosis existence in patients who don’t tolerate gold. Ascorbinic acid want in the organism, provokes the hypersensibilization to the gold, therapeutically proportionated to certain patients. C vitamin in convenient quantity in the organism, helps also the desensibilizante action and some hepatic functions. To prove C hypovitaminosis state we practise the proof of elimination to ascorbic acid employing diclorofenol-indofenol reactive.
3) When percutaneous proof to gold is practised in the arm of six patients, protector action proportionated to human skin by local application of the ascorbic acid mixed to metal in the other, is proved.
4) The proof of the elimination of ascorbic acid lets establish hypovitaminosis existence and measure. From this six patients treated with gold, four ot them delaid in the elimination of C vitamin because they were in hypovitaminosis statet and for that they hand therapeutic intolerance troubles; the other two, without hypovitaminosis, didn’t present any alteration.
5) A patient with hypovitaminosis, previously treated with ascorbic acid until obtaining positive saturation proof, endures after without any impediment, auric treatment.
6) Experimental proofs, practised under acute or chronic point of view prove how C vitamin increases the tolerance and prevents intoxication accidents.