The systematic siatas of three spocies of the Muridae froin the Quatemary oí the Pampean Región (Argentina), previously menlioned and illusirated by Ameghino( 1889). iselarified Afieranew study of the original rcinains. malcriáis referred lo: (I) Plyxxophurus elefttmx. (2) O.xynmterux ¡mpexux. and (3) Holochilux vulpinas, wcre determinad as 11) Reithradon uti rilas. (2) Grtuwiyx grixenflavux. and (3) Hotnchitus brasitiensis, rcspcctivcly. Other remains attributed hy Ameghino to the species Nécmmys conifer, Habrothrix internas and Calomys binan uluius bul nnt illusirated by him. are studied. All the new determinations proposed Itere are documented by deseriptions. figures, and ineasuremenls. Finally, a synthesis of the taxonomía status of the murid species menlioned or nominated by Ameghino in several works. are given.