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dc.date.accessioned 2023-05-15T18:27:02Z
dc.date.available 2023-05-15T18:27:02Z
dc.date.issued 2023
dc.identifier.uri http://sedici.unlp.edu.ar/handle/10915/153025
dc.description.abstract A primary new capability of JWST is the ability to penetrate the dust in star-forming galaxies to identify and study the properties of young star clusters that remain embedded in dust and gas. In this Letter we combine new infrared images taken with JWST with our optical Hubble Space Telescope (HST) images of the starbursting barred (Seyfert2) spiral galaxy NGC 1365. We find that this galaxy has the richest population of massive young clusters of any known galaxy within 30 Mpc, with ∼30 star clusters that are more massive than 106Me and younger than 10 Myr. Sixteen of these clusters are newly discovered from our JWST observations. An examination of the optical images reveals that 4 of 30 (∼13%) are so deeply embedded that they cannot be seen in the Hubble I band (AV  10 mag), and that 11 of 30 (∼37%) are missing in the HST B band, so age and mass estimates from optical measurements alone are challenging. These numbers suggest that massive clusters in NGC 1365 remain completely obscured in the visible for ∼1.3 ± 0.7 Myr and are either completely or partially obscured for ∼3.7 ± 1.1 Myr. We also use the JWST observations to gain new insights into the triggering of star cluster formation by the collision of gas and dust streamers with gas and dust in the bar. The JWST images reveal previously unknown structures (e.g., bridges and overshoot regions from stars that form in the bar) that help us better understand the orbital dynamics of barred galaxies and associated star-forming rings. Finally, we note that the excellent spatial resolution of the NIRCAM F200W filter provides a better way to separate barely resolved compact clusters from individual stars based on their sizes. en
dc.language en es
dc.subject Barred spiral galaxies es
dc.subject Young star clusters es
dc.subject Young massive clusters es
dc.title PHANGS–JWST First Results: Massive Young Star Clusters and New Insights from JWST Observations of NGC1365 en
dc.type Articulo es
sedici.identifier.other https://doi.org/10.3847/2041-8213/acae94 es
sedici.identifier.issn 2041-8213 es
sedici.creator.person Rodríguez, María Jimena es
sedici.description.note La lista completa de autores que integran el documento puede consultarse en el archivo. es
sedici.subject.materias Ciencias Astronómicas es
sedici.description.fulltext true es
mods.originInfo.place Instituto de Astrofísica de La Plata es
sedici.subtype Articulo es
sedici.rights.license Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)
sedici.rights.uri http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
sedici.description.peerReview peer-review es
sedici.relation.journalTitle The Astrophysical Journal Letters es
sedici.relation.journalVolumeAndIssue vol. 944, no. 2 es

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