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Mostrar el registro sencillo del ítem 2014-04-08T17:55:35Z 2014-04-08T17:55:35Z 2013-12
dc.description.abstract The coexistence of multiple platforms and the implementation of different virtualization models makes server administration more complex every day. The undeniable benefits both methodologies offer in terms of performance optimization and energy saving can be overshadowed if clear guidelines are not established for configuration and maintenance in accordance with the needs of increasingly agile development models that demand quick responses. DevOps is a possible solution to this situation. However, it demands a new perspective in traditional roles within technology areas. en
dc.format.extent 118-122 es
dc.language en es
dc.subject DevOps tools en
dc.subject IT governance en
dc.title The hard way to virtual machine administration: towards DevOps en
dc.type Articulo es
sedici.identifier.uri es
sedici.identifier.issn 1666-6038 es
sedici.title.subtitle A bridge between developers and IT operators en
sedici.creator.person Rodríguez, Christian Adrián es
sedici.creator.person Molinari, Lía Hebe es
sedici.creator.person Díaz, Francisco Javier es
sedici.subject.materias Ciencias Informáticas es
sedici.description.fulltext true es Facultad de Informática es
sedici.subtype Articulo es
sedici.rights.license Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 Unported (CC BY-NC 3.0)
sedici.description.peerReview peer-review es
sedici.relation.journalTitle Journal of Computer Science & Technology es
sedici.relation.journalVolumeAndIssue vol. 13, no. 3 es

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