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Mostrar el registro sencillo del ítem 2018-02-15T16:38:28Z 2018-02-15T16:38:28Z 2017
dc.description.abstract We present a methodology to enhance domain-specific ontologies by (i) manual annotation of texts with the concepts in the domain ontology, (ii) matching annotated concepts with the closest YAGO-Wikipedia concept and (iii) using concepts from other ontologies that cover complementary domains. This method reduces the difficulty of aligning ontologies, because the alignment is carried out within the scope of an example. The resulting alignment is a partial connection between diverse ontologies, and also a strong connection to Linked Open Data. By aligning these ontologies, we are increasing the ontological cov- erage for texts in that domain. Moreover, by aligning domain ontologies to the Wikipedia (via YAGO) we can obtain manually annotated examples of some of the concepts, effectively populating the ontology with examples. We present two applications of this process in the legal domain. First, we annotate sentences of the European Court of Human Rights with the LKIF ontology, at the same time matching them with the YAGO ontology. Second, we annotate a corpus of customer questions and answers from an insurance web page with the OMG ontology for the insurance domain, matching it with the YAGO ontology and complementing it with a financial ontology. en
dc.format.extent 13-24 es
dc.language en es
dc.subject ontología es
dc.subject Linked Open Data es
dc.title Enhancing domain-specific ontologies at ease en
dc.type Objeto de conferencia es
sedici.identifier.uri es
sedici.creator.person Cardellino, Cristian es
sedici.creator.person Teruel, Milagro es
sedici.creator.person Gazzotti, Rafael es
sedici.creator.person Alonso Alemany, Laura es
sedici.creator.person Villata, Serena es
sedici.subject.materias Ciencias Informáticas es
sedici.description.fulltext true es Sociedad Argentina de Informática e Investigación Operativa (SADIO) es
sedici.subtype Objeto de conferencia es
sedici.rights.license Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0)
sedici.rights.uri 2017-09
sedici.relation.event III Simposio Argentino de Ontologías y sus Aplicaciones (SAOA) - JAIIO 46 (Córdoba, 2017). es
sedici.description.peerReview peer-review es

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