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Mostrar el registro sencillo del ítem 2019-11-29T01:43:40Z 2019-11-29T01:43:40Z 2015
dc.description.abstract AylacostomaSpix, 1827, contains species that are the subject of focused conservation efforts under the auspices of the 'AylacostomaProject', the only ex situ conservation programme for freshwater gastropods in South America. Two species from the High Paraná River (Argentina-Paraguay) are included in this programme (Aylacostoma chloroticumHylton Scott, 1954 and Aylacostoma brunneumVogler & Peso, 2014), as their habitats have disappeared as a consequence of the filling of the Yacyretá Reservoir in the 1990s. At present, A.chloroticum is restricted to only one known wild population in a small and fragile habitat, and wild populations of A.brunneum are presumed to have gone extinct. We used partial sequences of the cytochrome oxidase subunit I gene to provide the first phylogeographical perspective on these species from a limited dataset containing representatives of several wild populations that are successfully being bred in captivity. We found low genetic diversity and two haplotypes in A.chloroticum, and absence of variation with one haplotype in A.brunneum. The reservoir's entry zone was identified to be of great interest for conservation, and is where we suggest re-introductions and translocations should be targeted, to preserve the future evolutionary potential of the extant diversity. en
dc.format.extent 487-499 es
dc.language en es
dc.subject Conservation genetics es
dc.subject Endangered freshwater snails es
dc.subject Evolutionarily significant units es
dc.subject Haplotypes es
dc.subject Molecular divergence es
dc.title A phylogeographical perspective on the ex situ conservation of Aylacostoma (Thiaridae, Gastropoda) from the High Paraná River (Argentina-Paraguay) en
dc.type Articulo es
sedici.identifier.other doi:10.1111/zoj.12250 es
sedici.identifier.other eid:2-s2.0-84931957054 es
sedici.identifier.issn 0024-4082 es
sedici.creator.person Vogler, Roberto Eugenio es
sedici.creator.person Beltramino, Ariel Aníbal es
sedici.creator.person Strong, E. E. es
sedici.creator.person Peso, Juana G. es
sedici.creator.person Rumi Macchi Zubiaurre, Alejandra es
sedici.subject.materias Ciencias Naturales es
sedici.description.fulltext true es Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo es
sedici.subtype Articulo es
sedici.rights.license Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0)
sedici.description.peerReview peer-review es
sedici.relation.journalTitle Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society es
sedici.relation.journalVolumeAndIssue vol. 174, no. 3 es
sedici.rights.sherpa * Color: green * Pre-print del autor: can * Post-print del autor: can * Versión de editor/PDF:cannot * Condiciones: >>Pre-print can only be posted prior to acceptance >>Pre-print must be accompanied by set statement (see link) >>Pre-print must not be replaced with post-print, instead a link to published version with amended set statement should be made >>Pre-print on author's personal website, employer website, free public server or pre-prints in subject area >>Post-print on author's personal website immediately >>Post-print in Institutional repositories or Central repositories after 12 months embargo >>Publisher's version/PDF cannot be used >>Published source must be acknowledged >>Must link to publisher version >>Set phrase to accompany archived copy (see policy) >>The publisher will deposit in PubMed Central on behalf of NIH authors >>Publisher last contacted on 19/02/2015 * Link a Sherpa:

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