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Mostrar el registro sencillo del ítem 2019-12-11T12:43:20Z 2019-12-11T12:43:20Z 2017
dc.description.abstract We present 888 visual-wavelength spectra of 122 nearby type II supernovae (SNe II) obtained between 1986 and 2009, and ranging between 3 and 363 days post-explosion. In this first paper, we outline our observations and data reduction techniques, together with a characterization based on the spectral diversity of SNe II. A statistical analysis of the spectral matching technique is discussed as an alternative to nondetection constraints for estimating SN explosion epochs. The time evolution of spectral lines is presented and analyzed in terms of how this differs for SNe of different photometric, spectral, and environmental properties: velocities, pseudo-equivalent widths, decline rates, magnitudes, time durations, and environment metallicity. Our sample displays a large range in ejecta expansion velocities, from ∼9600 to ∼1500 km s-1 at 50 days post-explosion with a median Hα value of 7300 km s-1. This is most likely explained through differing explosion energies. Significant diversity is also observed in the absolute strength of spectral lines, characterized through their pseudo-equivalent widths. This implies significant diversity in both temperature evolution (linked to progenitor radius) and progenitor metallicity between different SNe II. Around 60% of our sample shows an extra absorption component on the blue side of the Hα P-Cygni profile ("Cachito" feature) between 7 and 120 days since explosion. Studying the nature of Cachito, we conclude that these features at early times (before ∼35 days) are associated with Si ii λ6355, while past the middle of the plateau phase they are related to high velocity (HV) features of hydrogen lines. en
dc.language en es
dc.subject supernovae: general es
dc.subject surveys es
dc.subject techniques: photometric es
dc.subject techniques: spectroscopic es
dc.title Type II Supernova Spectral Diversity. I. Observations, Sample Characterization, and Spectral Line Evolution en
dc.type Articulo es
sedici.identifier.other doi:10.3847/1538-4357/aa8f52 es
sedici.identifier.other eid:2-s2.0-85037678488 es
sedici.identifier.issn 0004-637X es
sedici.creator.person Gutiérrez, Claudia P. es
sedici.creator.person Anderson, Joseph P. es
sedici.creator.person Hamuy, Mario es
sedici.creator.person Morrell, Nidia Irene es
sedici.creator.person González Gaitan, Santiago es
sedici.creator.person Stritzinger, Maximilian D. es
sedici.creator.person Phillips, Mark M. es
sedici.creator.person Galbany, Lluis es
sedici.creator.person Folatelli, Gastón es
sedici.creator.person Dessart, Luc es
sedici.creator.person Contreras, Carlos es
sedici.creator.person Della Valle, Massimo es
sedici.creator.person Freedman, Wendy L. es
sedici.creator.person Hsiao, Eric Y. es
sedici.creator.person Krisciunas, Kevin es
sedici.creator.person Madore, Barry F. es
sedici.creator.person Maza, José es
sedici.creator.person Suntzeff, Nicholas B. es
sedici.creator.person Prieto, José Luis es
sedici.creator.person González, Luis es
sedici.creator.person Cappellaro, Enrico es
sedici.creator.person Navarrete, Mauricio es
sedici.creator.person Pizzella, Alessandro es
sedici.creator.person Ruiz, María T. es
sedici.creator.person Smith, R. Chris es
sedici.creator.person Turatto, Massimo es
sedici.subject.materias Ciencias Astronómicas es
sedici.description.fulltext true es Facultad de Ciencias Astronómicas y Geofísicas es Instituto de Astrofísica de La Plata es
sedici.subtype Articulo es
sedici.rights.license Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0)
sedici.description.peerReview peer-review es
sedici.relation.journalTitle The Astrophysical Journal es
sedici.relation.journalVolumeAndIssue vol. 850, no. 1 es
sedici.rights.sherpa * Color: green * Pre-print del autor: si * Post-print del autor: si * Versión de editor/PDF:si * Condiciones: >>On any website, arXiv, scientific social networks (except Research Gate) or non-commercial open access repository. >>Publisher's version/PDF may be used on any website or authors' institutional repository >>Publisher copyright and source must be acknowledged >>Must link to publisher version >>Publisher's version/PDF may be used >>Authors depositing in arXiv must they choose the first licence statement offered by arXiv when uploading their article � a "non-exclusive licence to distribute" >>Publisher last contacted on 10/02/2016 >>Publisher last reviewed on 15/08/2017 * Link a Sherpa:

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