We consider the recently proposed exotic 3D massive gravity. We show that this theory has a rich space of vacua, including asymptotically Anti de-Sitter (AdS) geometries obeying either the standard Brown-Henneaux boundary conditions or the weakened asymptotic behavior of the so-called Log-gravity. Both sectors contain non-Einstein spaces with SO(2) × ℝ isometry group, showing that the Birkhoff theorem does not hold all over the parameter space, even if strong AdS boundary conditions are imposed. Some of these geometries correspond to 3D black holes dressed with a Log-gravity graviton. We conjecture that such geometries appear in a curve of the parameter space where the exotic 3D massive gravity on AdS3 is dual to a chiral conformal field theory. The theory also contains other interesting vacua, including different families of non-AdS black holes.