One of the ‘pre-Carboniferous units’ from the San Rafael Block is the sedimentary Río Seco de los Castaños Formation, which is distributed in isolated outcrops within the Block. At the Rodeo de la Bordalesa area two small intrusives in the mentioned unit were mapped, composed of tonalitic rocks, lamprophyre (‘spessartite-kersantite’) and aplite dykes.We present in this paper, geochemical and isotopic data from the gray tonalitic rocks with abundant mafic enclaves and late magmatic aplite veins. The country rocks are a folded sequence of feldspathic sandstones, wackes, and shales. The Rodeo de la Bordalesa tonalite dykes are characterized by high to medium potassium concentration, with metaluminous composition and I-type calc-alkaline signature. The 401 ± 4 Ma U–Pb zircon age corresponds to the emplacement time and it is confirmed by the K–Ar biotite age. The Rb–Sr whole rocks and biotite age of 374 ± 4 Ma could be related to deformation during the ‘Chanic’ tectonic phase. Nd model ages (TDM) show an interval between 1 and 1.6 Ga, indicating Mesoproterozoic age derivation, whereas the negative εNd is typical from crustal sources. The crystallization age for the Rodeo de la Bordalesa tonalite corresponds to a Lower Devonian time and suggests that part of the Late Famatinian magmatic event is present in the San Rafael Block. The dykes are contemporaneous with the large peraluminous batholith in Pampeanas Ranges, with the transpressional shear belts during ‘Achalian’ event and could be correlated with the Devonian magmatism present in the southern part of the Frontal Cordillera. The geochemical and geochronological data allow us to differentiate the Rodeo de la Bordalesa tonalite from the mafic rocks exposed at the El Nihuil area.