The use of trophic resources by anurans may be influenced by sexual dimorphism, ontogenetic variation and resources available in the environment. However, most studies on anuran feeding behavior lack of environmental prey availability data. In this study, the dietary composition and the feeding strategy of Leptodactylus fuscus were evaluated considering the availability of potential prey in a sub-urban area of the Colombian Caribbean Region. Additionally, differences in diet composition between adult and juvenile’ frogs were assessed. Prey items were obtained through forced regurgitation technique and prey availability was assessed using pitfall traps.
The importance of each prey category and prey selectivity were evaluated through a relative importance index and a food selection index, respectively. Twenty-four stomachs were analyzed, being Hymenoptera the most important prey category and the most abundant resource in the environment. The population of L. fuscus showed a low prey selectivity and prey size was associated with frog’s body size. However, there was no variation in numeric and volumetric dietary composition related to ontogeny. Considering the relationship between the diet and prey availability, our results evidenced L. fuscus exhibits a generalist and opportunistic feeding behavior, which highlight the importance of including information on prey availability to better understand the anurans dietary behavior.