En español
Durante las últimas décadas la producción láctea argentina ha sufrido modificaciones relevantes, ligadas a fuertes procesos de cambio tecnológico y concentración de la producción, que han llevado a una reestructuración de la actividad, con profundos impactos negativos sobre los estratos más pequeños de la producción. Al respecto, una de las estrategias de persistencia de las pequeñas unidades ha sido históricamente la pluriactividad, que implica la combinación de actividades agrarias y no agrarias, dentro y fuera del predio.
El objetivo de este trabajo es identificar la diversidad de formas de pluriactividad y su importancia en la persistencia de la producción familiar tambera en los partidos de Chascomús y Lezama de la provincia de Buenos Aires, precisando los tipos de pluriactividad predominantes, los motivos que llevan a los productores a implementar este tipo de estrategia y las funciones que cumple, estableciendo conexiones con otros trabajos referidos a la temática.
La metodología utilizada consiste en el análisis cualitativo de entrevistas semiestructuradas a informantes clave y a productores familiares tamberos, combinada con el análisis de fuentes de información secundaria como censos nacionales, trabajos técnicos de la región, artículos de investigación entre otros.
En inglés
Over the last decades the dairy production of Argentina evidences great modifications, related to strong processes of technological change and concentration of the production, leading to a restructuring of the dairy complex with a negative impact over the minor strata of production. In this regard, one of the strategies persistence of small units has historically been the pluriactivity, which involves the combination of farming and non-farming activities, inside and outside the farms.
The aim of this work is to identify the diversity of types of pluriactivity and its importance over the persistence of the dairy family farming in Chascomús and Lezama (province of Buenos Aires). We also aim to specify which types of pluriactivity are predominant, the reasons that lead producers to implement this strategy and the functions it performs, establishing connections with other works related as well.
The methodology of investigation consists of the analysis of semi-structured interviews to key informants and dairy farmers, combining with the revision of agricultural censuses, scientific research and technical reports about the dairy production in general and about the area of study in particular.
The results of this work show the presence of the following forms of pluriactivity: the manufacture of dairy products, the work outside the farms and marketing, being the first two types the most predominant. Generally, they include mostly agricultural occupations which belong to the most traditional type. Regarding the role played by pluriactivity, it seems that the combination of activities is associated with functions of persistence or reproduction either than accumulation of capital. The conclusion arises that due to the low production scales of the establishments analyzed, and to the low production rates in some cases, it is likely that these units could not avoid the combination of these activities to persist in their production.