En español
Clostridium piliforme, produce una enfermedad fatal en el ratón, que se manifiesta como hepatitis con compromiso intestinal e interfiere en los resultados de las pruebas. El objetivo de este trabajo fue estudiar la interferencia que causa Clostridium piliforme en ratones N:NIH(S)-nu (nude) transplantados con la línea tumoral A 549. Se utilizaron 100 animales nude divididos en 4 grupos de 25 ratones cada uno: grupo 1, con el tumor e infectados con Clostridium piliforme; grupo 3, sin tumor e infectados con Clostridium piliforme; grupos control 2 y 4, con y sin tumores respectivamente, no infectados con el microorganismo. En el grupo 1; 19 manifestaron signos clínicos a los 4 días postinoculación (p.i.) observándose lesiones en el hígado e intestino; en el grupo 3; 20 desarrollaron signos clínicos a los 4 días p.i., 5 murieron y el resto se sacrificó hallándose las mismas lesiones que en el grupo 1. Los grupos 2 y 4 no presentaron lesiones. El 78% de los animales inoculados con Clostridium piliforme manifestaron signos clínicos a los 4 días p.i. No hubo diferencias entre los animales con o sin tumor. Se concluyó que Clostridium piliforme interfiriere provocando la muerte de los animales con o sin tumor.
En inglés
Clostridium piliforme produces a fatal infection in mice, as hepatitis involving the intestine and interferes in experimental results. The aim of this work was to evaluate the interference caused by Clostridium piliforme in N:NIH(S)-nu mice (nude) transplanted with the tumor line A 549. One hundred nude mice were divided into four groups of 25 animals each one: group 1, animals with tumor and experimentally infected with Clostridium piliforme; group 3 animals with no tumor and inoculated with the microorganism; and control groups 2 and 4 with and without tumor respectively, not infected with the microorganism. In group 1, nineteen mice showed clinical signs 4 days after inoculation, typical lesions in liver and intestine were observed. In group 3; 20 mice showed clinical signs 4 days after inoculation, 5 of them died, necropsy was performed on the rest of the animals, the same kind of lesions as in group 1 were found. In groups 2 and 4 no lesions were observed. 78% of the animals inoculated with Clostridium piliforme have shown clinical signs 4 days after inoculation. There were observed no differences in the animals with or without tumor transplantation. It was concluded that Clostridium piliforme interferes causing the death of the animals with or without tumor.