En portugués
Este artigo apresenta os resultados de um projeto de pesquisa sobre os novos modos de producao de noticias policiais na televisao. A investigacao envolveu o monitoramento de telejornais dos cinco principais canais da cidade de Buenos Aires e entrevistas com profissionais da noticia. Analisamos o conteudo das materias, as formas de narrar e enunciar as noticias policiais na televisao, o papel da policia na estrutura das noticias, o surgimento de novas fontes de informacao e as rotinas de producao das noticias policiais. Nossos achados sugerem que a maioria dos noticiarios na televisao da destaque as noticias sobre crimes em suas agendas e que sua producao e apresentacao mudaram com a disseminacao das tecnologias digitais como fontes de informacao.
En inglés
This paper presents the results of a research project on the new modes of production of television crime news. The enquiry involved monitoring television newscasts of the five major channels in Buenos Aires City and interviews with news workers. We analyze the news content, the ways of narrating and enunciating crime news on television, the role played by the police in the structure of the news, the emergence of new sources of information and the production routines of crime news. Our findings suggest that most of the newscasts on television give prominence to crime news within their agendas and that its production and presentation has changed as the result of the spread of digital technologies as sources of information.