- Isostatic systems -and tectonic mechanisms present in Argentina | Antonio Introcaso
- On the dissipation of an upper oceanic front | Alejandro L. Camerlengo and Monica I. Demmler
- El cálculo del agua precipitable y algunas de sus aplicaciones en Argentina | Graciela A. Catuogno e Inés Velasco
- Aspectos cualitativos en el comportamiento de fof2 en la anomalía de invierno en la región f2 de la ionosfera | Ana Martínez Pulido
- Absolute palaeoreconstructions of continents based on palaeomagnetic poles and virtual geomagnetic poles? | Haroldo Vizan and Carlos Alberto Vasquez
- Variability and motion of the Brazil-Malvinas front | Alejandro A. Bianchi and Silvia L. Garzoli
- The Andean elevation in Argentina-Chile at 39° south latitude from gravity data | Maria Cristina Pacino
- Spectral decomposition of a long Rossby wave after reflection on an equatorial western boundary | Alejandro Camerlengo and Mónica Inés Demmler
- Geomagnetism as an independent science | Luiz Muniz Barreto
- Response of the ocean mixed layer, off the east coast of peninsular Malaysia during the north-east and south-west monsoons | Mohd Nasir Saadon and Alejandro Camerlengo
- Sea level characteristics in Puerto Quequén | María Cintia Piccolo and Gerardo M. E. Perillo
- Stability condition for Arakawa’s B grid | Alejandro I. Camerlengo and Mónica I. Demmler
- Mejoramiento en el ajuste orbital de satélites GPS | A. Meza, J. C. Usandivaras and C. Brunin