Virtualization has been around much of the history of computing from the introduction of virtual memory to virtualization at the operating system level and containers. The use of containers as a deployment tool has boomed since the release of Docker as free software in 2013. Docker includes a large set of tools ranging from building and executing containers on a single node to managing multiple containers in clusters. However, the distribution of deployment descriptors and of maintenance scripts is not properly addressed. This work introduces the mechanisms provided by Docker and describes a practice developed by the Bitlogic team for the deployment and management of the container lifecycle.
Información general
Fecha de publicación:4 de abril de 2018
Idioma del documento:Inglés
Revista:Electronic Journal of SADIO; vol. 17, no. 1
Evento:Simposio Argentino de Ingeniería de Software (ASSE) - JAIIO 46 (Córdoba, 2017)
Institución de origen:Sociedad Argentina de Informática e Investigación Operativa