Last September, in occasion of the fifth Argentinean Symposium on Artificial Intelligence (V ASAI), all of the attendants had the satisfaction to see the great evolution of the discipline in this region. This growth, since these techniques arose as effective problem solving methods for every day life in the first half of the past century, had not a direct correlation in our country since the creation of this event within the SADIO’s Congress.
From the first ASAI in 1999, up to nowadays, a good quantity of valuable activity in AI can be shared among researchers and entrepreneurs, in a high level forum, with a pleasant climate.
In this fifth ASAI, 26 papers were accepted for presentation, after a thorough refereeing process. Three reviewers from a high-qualified international Scientific Committee carefully evaluated each work. These works were punctuated taking into account its originality, presentation, relevance of the results, and general quality. The five ones with the highest scores were selected to be published in this special issue of the Electric Journal of SADIO.
Then, in this volume, we will be able to enjoy the paper from the team of Carolina Monard at the University of Sao Paulo@Sao Carlos, Brazil, A Method for Refining Knowledge Rules Using Exceptions, in which they present a contribution to the data mining problem with the knowledge-based approach. In this particular task, to manage exceptions is not at all a trivial difficulty. The solution proposed was tested upon real data in the HIV virus protein cleavage process.