En español
Se presenta el desarrollo de colectores solares térmicos de bajo costo y simple diseño, basados en una larga manguera de PEBD que operan por recirculación forzada asistida por mini bomba regulada y alimentada por panel fotovoltaico. Se demostró experimentalmente la factibilidad de esta configuración termohidráulica simple y autónoma. Un prototipo (50 litros y 50 metros manguera de ¾”, bomba de 2W y panel fotovoltaico de 3W en 12 voltios) obtuvo eficiencias promedio del 37%, calentando agua a 48°C en invierno en Salta con irradiancias de 700 W/m².
En inglés
The development of simple and inexpensive design of solar thermal collectors is presented. They are based on a long LDPE hose, that works by forced recirculation assisted by a pump which is powered by a little photovoltaic panel. The feasibility of this simple and autonomous thermoidraulic configuration was experimentally demonstrated. A prototype, of 50 liters with 50 meters of hose (3/4") and a 2 W pump which is operated by 3W 12 V panel, has been elaborated. The prototype has worked with an average efficiency of 37%, reaching the water, on a winter day with solar average irradiances of 700 W / m², a maximum temperature of 48 °C.