This paper proposes reduction in the consumption of active electrical energy (kWh) by 67%, while maintaining the same mechanical work speed (RPM) at variable torque loads of water and similar fluids using the “Fan Affinity Law” in an innovative way in PMSM-type synchronous motors. The work is carried out comparatively between brushless asynchronous motors with starting loop (motor with a short-circuited loop) versus brushed asynchronous motors and PMSM-type synchronous motors without the need to use Variable Frequency Drives (VFD), simplifying the technology (electronics) and saving costs in an innovative way (R+D+i). The case study was developed on a design applied to a centrifugal air extractor/blower with PMSM/IPM type synchronous motor. The study focused on a specific bibliographical review of ecodesign and energy efficiency in refrigeration and ventilation systems, taking into account a couple of personal Works and other general ones by various authors.