Original datasets for "Quality control of Bradyrhizobium inoculant strains: Detection of nosZ and correlation of symbiotic efficiency with soybean leaf chlorophyll levels"
This dataset comprises the original data collected in nodulation experiments carried out for the publication "Quality control of Bradyrhizobium inoculant strains: Detection of nosZ and correlation of symbiotic efficiency with soybean leaf chlorophyll levels" (see "Related documents").
Para acceder al artículo al cual pertenece este conjunto de datos, hacer clic en "Documentos relacionados".
General information
Document language:English
Creation date:2 de enero de 2024
Origin:Instituto de Biotecnología y Biología Molecular
Geografic reach:ARG
Temporal reach:2021-2023
Physical description:The dataset comprises a PDF document.
Materials/Techniques:Soybean plants inoculated with different strains of Bradyrhizobium spp., grown in vermiculite pots watered with N-free nutrient solution.
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