En español
Entre los procedimientos colapsoterápicos con que contamos en nuestro arsenal de lucha contra la tuberculosis pulmonar, figura el neumoperitoneo, que no ha merecido, a nuestro entender la debida atención por parte de los tisiólogos. Confesamos que nosotros mismos — a pesar de nuestra ya larga práctica, — no habíamos pensado en él, hasta que con motivo de un caso típico, que luego relataremos, se nos ocurriera ensayarlo.
Llama la atención cómo no se ha difundido este método de colapsoterapia a través de la única pared blanda del tórax, y ello contrastando con la boga de que goza hoy la cirugía pulmonar, más cruenta y mutilante.
En inglés
The author makes a study of the procedures in general, even outside of Phtisiology; indications which have been amplified especially by the intervention of the italian school by Morelli and Monaldi.
Next, he cheeks the anatomo-physiological fundamentals of this therapy and its mode of actions and its technique.
Then he studys in detail the indications of this method in the treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis, insisting in the possibility of obtaining great benefits with this method only in some cases, and in the necessity of associating it especially with phrenicectomy in other cases.
Then he deals with the modifications that are produced by insuflations, in the functional and syrnptomatological picture, as well as, in the physique of the patients. He terminates by reporting six personal observations.