Software modularization presents important advantages when it comes to robotic development.
That is based on the definition of well-known limits for each module that make the parallel development easier. Furthermore, that way of working allows the reutilization of one module in more systems.
There is a paradigm known as Components Based Software which follows the mentioned idea and needs definitions that include interfaces, responsibilities and certain communication rules between the members of the whole system. Precisely, the JAUS standard defines both a model of components with their interfaces, and an architecture, in the specific context of robotics. There are several SDKs, but they either lack a multi-platform support, or work with platforms whose features do not satisfy the needs of the developers, such as agile development of proof of concepts, robotic specific development resources (existent projects, community support, GUI, among others).
This work extends the possibilities of the implementation of a component, and allows the developer to take advantage of the benefits of the chosen platform. As a result, projects based on widely used tools used in robotics (such as MATLAB, Simulink and LabVIEW) can be easily integrated in a short period of time.