In recent years, model-driven engineering has been popularized by the Model-Driven Architecture (MDA) initiative. Essentially, in MDA three types of viewpoints on models are distinguished: the Com- putation Independent Model (CIM), the Platform Independent Model (PIM) and the Platform Speci c Model (PSM). Many research works of MDA are primary focusing on the PIM and PSM, and transformations between each other. On the other hand, the Semantic Web has popular- ized another notion of model: ontologies. MDA may bene ts from on- tologies in formal model of domain semantics and automated reasoning.
In this paper an approach for generating an ontology from a Language Extended Lexicon (LeL) with the aim of facilitating the tranformation between CIM and PIM is presented. In addition, a software application, called OntoLEL Tool, that implements this approach is described.