Fish disease diagnosis is a complicated process and requires high level of expertise, an expert system for fish disease diagnosis is considered as an effective tool to help fish farmers. However, many farmers have no computers and are not able to access the Internet. Telephone and mobile uses increase rapidly, so, the provision of call centre service appears as a sound alternative support channel for farmer to acquire counseling and support. This paper presents a research attempt to develop and evaluate a call center oriented Hybrid disease diagnosis & consulting system (H-Vet) in aquaculture in China.
This paper looks at why H-Vet is needed and what are the advantages and difficulties in the developing and using such a system. A machine learning approach is adopted, which helps to acquire knowledge when enhancing expert systems with the user information collected through call center. This paper also proposes a fuzzy Group Support Systems (GSS) framework for acquiring knowledge from individual expert and aggregating knowledge into workgroup knowledge by H-Vet in the situation of difficult disease diagnosis. The system’s architecture and components are described