In this paper the prototype of a system designed to analyze road accidents is presented. The analysis is carried out in order to recog- nize within accident reports general mechanisms of road accidents that represent prototypes of road accidents. Case Based Reasoning (CBR) is the chosen problem solving paradigm. Natural language documents and semi-structured documents are used to build the cases of our sys- tem, which creates a di±culty. To cope with this di±culty we propose approaches integrating semantic resources. Hence, an ontology of acci- dentology and a terminology of road accidents are used to build cases.
The alignment of two resources supports the retrieval process. A data processing model, based on models of accidentology, is proposed to rep- resent the cases of the system. This paper presents the architecture of ACCTOS (ACCident TO Scenarios), a case based reasoning system pro- totype. The model to represent the cases is introduced and the phases of the case based reasoning cycle are detailed.