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dc.date.accessioned | 2013-05-22T17:35:19Z | |
dc.date.available | 2013-05-22T17:35:19Z | |
dc.date.issued | 2012 | |
dc.identifier.uri | http://sedici.unlp.edu.ar/handle/10915/26908 | |
dc.description.abstract | Introducción. El proyecto pretende introducir a los alumnos en el análisis, reflexión y concientización de las problemáticas ambientales derivadas de la aplicación de políticas pro mineras que pretenden explotar el Cerro Famatina en La Rioja. Al mismo tiempo se propone traer las voces de la lucha social a la escuela como así también sensibilizar a las escuelas de la zona. Dos son los ejes articuladores: uno, remite al estudio de la relación entre los pueblos originarios y la naturaleza; otro, se centra en los efectos de la minería a cielo abierto. Objetivos. Contribuir al mejoramiento de la educación logrando una formación integral que posibilite la comprensión del mundo y la interacción con el medio social para transformarlo; promover la difusión de problemáticas ambientales derivadas de la megaminería. Hipótesis. La minería a cielo abierto no es una actividad sustentable. Los pueblos originarios y su relación con la naturaleza dejaron su impronta, y las luchas y resistencia social en pos de la defensa de la economía familiar son el reflejo de ello. Metodología: Planteo de problemáticas e interpretación de fuentes. Viaje de estudio a Famatina de alumnos del ciclo superior del Liceo Víctor Mercante. Encuestas y entrevistas a actores sociales. Transferencia educativa. | es |
dc.description.abstract | Introduction. This project is aimed at introducing students to the analysis, reflection and awareness of environmental problems arising from pro-mining policies seeking to exploit the Cerro Famatina in La Rioja. At the same time, we intend to bring the voices of social struggle to schools as well as to raise awareness among schools in the surrounding areas. There are two articulation axes: one refers to the study of the relationship between native people and nature whereas the other focuses on the effects of open-pit mining. Targets. To contribute to education improvement through comprehensive training that helps to understand the world and to interact with the social environment to transform it and to raise awareness about environmental issues arising from mega-mining industries. Hypothesis. Open-pit mining is not a sustainable activity. The relationship between native people and nature has left its mark on the social struggles and resistance towards the defense of the family economy. Methodology. The following methods were applied: Posing of problems and interpretation of bibliographic sources. Travel to the city of Famatina. Surveys and interviews with the affected population. Educational transfer. Results and conclusions. This work has contributed to awareness through reflection and educational transfer to the school and three other schools in La Plata. The educational trip, surveys and interviews helped to conclude that: 1- Open -pit mining is not a sustainable economic activity because it benefits powerful certain groups and disregards the entire population and its environment. 2-The imprint of native people is not clearly present when defending family economy. 3-Social struggles arise from the genuine concern shown by people from La Rioja. | en |
dc.language | es | es |
dc.subject | medio ambiente | es |
dc.subject | Educación Ambiental | es |
dc.subject | megaminería | es |
dc.title | Pueblos, espacio y minería contaminante en La Rioja | es |
dc.title.alternative | People, space and mining pollution in La Rioja | en |
dc.type | Objeto de conferencia | es |
sedici.identifier.uri | http://www.congresos.unlp.edu.ar/index.php/CCMA/7CCMA/paper/view/863 | es |
sedici.creator.person | Arreseygor, Gabriela | es |
sedici.creator.person | Borello, Martín | es |
sedici.creator.person | Bozzano, Patricia Eva | es |
sedici.creator.person | Erbetta, María Constanza | es |
sedici.creator.person | Goñi, Silvana | es |
sedici.creator.person | Piancazzo, Analía Mabel | es |
sedici.creator.person | Realini, Silvia Elena | es |
sedici.creator.person | Terzaghi, María Teresa | es |
sedici.creator.person | Ves Losada, Virginia | es |
sedici.subject.materias | Ecología | es |
sedici.description.fulltext | true | es |
mods.originInfo.place | Asociación de Universidades Grupo Montevideo | es |
sedici.subtype | Objeto de conferencia | es |
sedici.rights.license | Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0) | |
sedici.rights.uri | http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/ | |
sedici.date.exposure | 2012-05 | |
sedici.relation.event | VII Congreso de Medio Ambiente | es |
sedici.description.peerReview | non-peer-review | es |