The assassination of Israeli premier Yitzhak Rabin provided the most vivid demonstration to date of religious-nationalist opposition inside Israel to the principle of exchanging land for peace. This article sets out to explore this world view and its intellectual origins, exploring in the process how the use of sacred Judaic texts have become both the monopoly of religious-nationalism and the template for politically inspired violence against those in Israel suspected of condoning territorial compromise. This article concludes that if the ideotheology of religious-nationalists is to be assuaged, a religious discourse supporting territorial retrenchment has to become part of the political fabric of the centre-left in Israel.
Información general
Fecha de exposición:noviembre 1998
Fecha de publicación:1998
Idioma del documento:Inglés
Evento:II Jornadas de Medio Oriente (La Plata, 1998)
Institución de origen:Instituto de Relaciones Internacionales (IRI)