This paper aims the design and implementation of a visionbased sensor for navigation of underwater vehicles with adaptive attributes. The objective pointed out is a sensor for tracking of underwater lines. The sensor employs a basic structure with a pixel-wise AND operation of binarized frames of separated channels HSV and an edgesegmented frame. The basic sensor performs well by good illuminated scenes. By significant drops of luminance, the efficiency falls. So an adaptive sensor is proposed over the basic structure. It operates on the brightness channel carrying out a maximization of contains in the accumulator bins of a Hough transformation. It has proven to enhanced the identification of the tracked line increasing the success rate.
Información general
Fecha de exposición:septiembre 2014
Fecha de publicación:2014
Idioma del documento:Inglés
Evento:XLIII Jornadas Argentinas de Informática e Investigación Operativa (43JAIIO)-XV Argentine Symposium on Technology (AST) (Buenos Aires, 2014)
Institución de origen:Sociedad Argentina de Informática e Investigación Operativa (SADIO)
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