Título alternativo:Comparative study of the caudal skeleton in Argentine characoid fishes. III. Families Serrasalmidae, Gasteropelecidae, Erythrinidae, Anostomidae, Hemiodidae, Curimatidae and Characidiidae
This paper is the last part of a comparative study of the caudal skeleton in South American Characoidei. Following the Monod’s system (1967, 1968), the morphology of the urophoral complex is studied in seven families. Possible phylogentic relationships among the studied entities are suggested. The diagnostic values, at a familiar and even generical level of the urophoral complex, is confirmed in a high number of South American species. These are arranged according Gery’s classification.
Contribución Científica Nº 254 del Instituto de Limnología «Dr. R. A. Ringuelet» (UNLP-CONICET) y Nº 52 del Laboratorio de Ictiología (Museo de La Plata).
Información general
Fecha de publicación:diciembre 1984
Idioma del documento:Español
Revista:Limnobios; vol. 2, fasc. 8
Institución de origen:Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo
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