The aim of this work was to analyze the growth and survival of Odontesthes bonariensis juveniles using different densities and culture conditions. One assay (E1) was carried out with individuals from 67 to 295 day-old, with a density of 217.2 ind/m3 in a 20 m3 tank. Water salinity varied between 12 and 15 g/L and an open water circulation system was used. The other assay (E2) was carried out with individuals from 43 to 182 day-old, with a density of 121.2 ind/m3 in a 100 m3 previously fertilized pond. Water salinity varied between 4 and 5 g/L and partial water exchanges were made. At the end of E1, the TL and W mean were 191.25 mm and 53.85 g respectively. Besides the survival rate was 88.2% and the production was 96,438 kg/hectare after 228 days of rearing. This result, was the highest recorded in Argentina. At the end of E2, the TL and W mean were 132.5 mm ±10.9 and 19.74 g respectively. In this case the survival rate was 73.34% and production was 17,463 kg./hectare/139 days of rearing. Although a higher density was used in E1 growth and survival were not affected because of the utilization of water circulation and a high salinity. In both assays, the mean weight and the survival rates obtained were superior to others recorded by different authors. In the case of the productions achieved, they were one order higher than all the previously reported in Argentina using different cultures systems.