Ameivula abalosi distinguishes from the other nine species of the genus (Ameivula cipoensis, A. confusioniba, A. jalapensis, A. mumbuca, A. nativo, A. nigrigula, A. ocellifera, A. pyrrhogularis, and A. xacriaba; Goicoechea et al., 2016) by the combination, among other character states, of five superciliary scales, low number of femoral pores (15-19 in total) and presence in males of erected thorn-like scales along the inferoposterior half of the calf (see inset in Fig. 1B). In Argentina it was reported for the provinces of Chaco, Corrientes, Formosa, La Rioja, Salta, Santiago del Estero, and San Juan (Cabrera, 2012; Gómez Alés et al., 2017), plus an unconfirmed old citation (as Cnemidophorus ocellifer) for the province of Catamarca by Koslowsky (1898).