The objective of this work is to produce Odontesthes bonariensis juveniles in an intensive system. The experience lasted 196 days and during this, survival, growth, and production were studied. The first 16 days 29.000 hatched larvae were kept outdoors in two circular tanks of 2.000 liters each. They were fed with zooplankton, Artemia and artificial food. The total number of individuals obtained was 23.000, these were transferred to 100 m2 pond previously fertilized where they were reared during 180 days. The initial density was of 230 ind/m2 with a total average length of 15,03mm (±0,60 standard deviation) and average weight of 0,024 g.(±0,0041 standard deviation). The juveniles were fed 4 times a day with artificial food. Samples were taken in order to calculate length and weight growth, at the end of experiment survival and production were calculated. The final number of juveniles obtained was 16.503 with a final average length of 110,28mm. (±17,88 standard deviation) and average weight of 11,28g(±6,07standard deviation). The food conversion rate was 1,31.
Survival rate was 71,75 %. The final production was 19.418,3 Kilogram/hectare after 180 days of rearing. These results show that massive production of juveniles is possible. The high density used, the final weight reached and the high percentages of survival allowed the biggest pejerrey juvenile production in Argentina after 196 days of rearing.