En español
El cuadro denominado astenozoospermia posee origen multifactorial y se visualiza como el daño a una de las características funcionales más importantes del espermatozoide humano. la movilidad progresiva lineal rápida (grado a), siendo la consistencia seminal aumentada la condición biofísica de mayor compromiso. En el presente trabajo se estudió la correlación de la consistencia seminal con la viscosidad del semen humano, determinada con los viscosímetros rotacionales Wells- Brookfield y de Ostwald modificado.
En inglés
The clinical manifestation known as asthenozoospermia has a multifactor origin and it reveals itself as the damage to one of the major functional charaderistics of human spermatozoon: the rapid linear progressive motility (grade a).ln many cases of asthenozoospermia the prevalent biophysical alteration is the high viscosity of human seminal fluid. The correlation between seminal constency and viscosity of human seminal fluid was studied. Viscosity was determined using a Wells- Brookiield (rotational) and a modified Ostwald (capillary) viscosimeter and consistency was established by introdudng a glass rod into the sample and observing the iength of the thread that forms m withdrawal of the rod (normal < 2 cm).