En español
Se han realizado los ensayos como inhibidores selectivos de Tromboexa no Sintetasa de siete comouestos de éstructura relativa a piridazino (45-b)indol. La inhibición en la segunda onda de agregación inducida en plaquetas humanas por
ADP, en la inducida por ácido araquidónico y por prostaglandina H2 (PGH2), así
como en la producción de Tromboxano B2 (TXB2), han permitido determinar que
dos de estos compuestos, 3,4-dihidro-4-oxo-5H-piridazino (4,5-b)indol (I) y 3,4-dihidro-4-oxo-5H-8-benciloxi-piridazino (4, 5-b)indol (VII), son nuevos inhibidores selectivos de este sistema enzimático.
En inglés
Assays were performed which identified seven compounds with the general structure indol-piridazine (4,5-b) as selective inhibitors of Thromboxane Synthetase. Compounds whose activities includes inhibition of human platelet aggregation induced by Arachidonic acid (AA) and Prostaglandin H2 (PGH2), and inhibition of the second wave of platelet aggregation induced by ADP, were subjected to radioimmunoassay studies to measue TXB2 and PGE2 levels in the samples using AA as the aggregating agent. This work has determined that two of the compounds, 3,4-dihydro-4-oxo-5H-pyridazino-(4,5-b)indole(I) and 3,4-dihydro-4-oxo-5H 8-benzyloxypyridazino (4,5-b)indole (VII), are new selective inhibitors of this enzymatic system