With nearly 256 species described, the South American lizards of the genus Liolaemus are the second most diverse among vertebrates (Avila et al. 2009. Zootaxa 2234:39-55; Abdala et al. 2012. Cuad. Herpetol. 26:215-248). However,relationships between mites and these lizards have received limited attention. Liolaemus cuyanus, L. darwini, L. olongasta, and L.riojanus inhabit the Talampaya National Park (TNP), located in an extensive plain of the Monte region (29.8°S, 67.833°W, WGS84; 1300 m elev.) in the center-west of La Rioja Province (Argentina), which was designated as an UNESCO World Heritage Site in 2000. Here we report novel associations of mites with these lizard species.