Mexico, Zacatecas, Municipality of Valparaiso, ca. 2 km (airline) west of San Juan Capistrano, (22.637258° N; 104.118608° W [WGS84]; 1249 m elevation), 18 July 2017. Collected by Jorge A.
Bañuelos-Alamillo. The snake was deposited in the Vertebrate Collection at Universidad Autónoma de Aguascalientes (CZUAA-REP-690); a photo voucher is also available at the San Diego Natural History Museum (SDSNH_HerpPC_05366). Adult female (SVL= 900 mm, TL= 380 mm), and had 17 midbody dorsal scales, 188 ventral scales, 106 subcaudals, nine supralabials, 11 infralabials, two loreal scales, one preocular, and three postoculars on both sides (Fig.
1-A). The snake was road-killed near a river within dry forest vegetation and had recently consumed an adult male Aspidoscelis gularis scalaris ingested headfirst.