Increased oxidative stress is implicated in several diseases. D-002, a mixture of six higher
aliphatic alcohols purified from beeswax, and grape seed extract (GSE) (rich in flavonoids), have been
shown antioxidant effects. This randomised, double-blinded study compared the effects of both substances
on plasma malondialdehyde (MDA), total hydroxyperoxides (TOH), carbonyl groups (CG) and blood superoxide
dismutase (SOD) in healthy volunteers. Fifty eligible subjects were randomized to D-002 (50
mg/day) or GSE (85 mg proanthocianydine/day) for 8 weeks. Both D-002 and GSE reduced significantly
plasma MDA (30.0% and 34.0%, respectively), TOH (31.6% and 34.0%, respectively) and CG (21.4% and
14.3 %, respectively), but unchanged SOD. No significant differences between groups were found. Both
treatments were well tolerated. No subject dropped out because of adverse experiences (AE). Then, D-002
and GSE administered for 8 weeks were similarly effective for lowering plasma markers of lipid and protein
oxidation, and similarly safe.