The phytotherapic formulation constituted by Anemopaegma mirandum (catuaba), Cola nitida (nóz de cola), Passiflora alata (maracujá), Paullinia cupana (guaraná), Ptychopetalum olacoides (marapuama) and thiamin chlorhydrate (Nerviton®) was investigated from the potential of toxicological effects when orally administered for 30 days to male and female New Zealand rabbits. The daily oral dose was ten times the prescribed dosage to humans. The general signs of toxicity, locomotion, behavior, respiratory rate and rhythm were evaluated. Body weight, food and water intake, rectal temperature, hematological and biochemical blood analysis, urinalysis, anatomopathological evaluation and visceral weight were measured. The results interpreted as a whole revealed the absence of toxicological effects to the phytotherapic studied when administered to New Zealand rabbits in a dose equivalent to 10 times the human dose and then can be considered relatively innocuous.