A validated stability indicating assay method was developed for the estimation of drotaverine
HCl in the presence of its degradation products. The best separation of analyte was achieved in the C8 analytical column at ambient temperature using a mobile phase composition of methanol and ammonium acetate (75:25) in isocratic mode. The flow rate and the detection wavelength were set at 0.9 ml/min and 308
nm, respectively. The drug gives peak at RT 7.483 min and the forced degradation studies gave three
degradation products peaks in which two degradation products (RT 4.202 and 5.010 min) were obtained
from alkaline hydrolysis and the third product from neutral hydrolysis of the drug and was eluted at RT
5.842 min. The limit of detection (LOD) and limit of quantitation (LOQ) of the developed method was
found to be 0.4 µg /ml and 1.4 µg/ml respectively. The validation results obtained from the analysis reveals
that the developed method is simple, accurate, precise, specific and selective.