The aim of this paper is to present the first preliminary results of the systematic archaeological research carried out in the Lago Tar and Lago San Martin basins (49° 7' S, 72° 11' O), focusing on the distributional aspects of the record. In order to discuss patterned differences in the space use by prehistoric hunter-gatherers, the information is organized following the main ecologic units (steppe, forest, and the corresponding ecotone). Stable isotope data (δ13C and δ15N) from guanaco (Lama guanicoe) bone samples are also reported as a first step in the understanding of the regional isotopic ecology. On the basis of some differences in the spacial distribution of artifacts it can be proposed that the higher intensity of human use was concentrated on the eastern shore of Lago Tar and around Cerro Cach Aike. Such intensity decreases westward (southern shore of the Lago San Martin). The occupation history of these spaces began around 9700 years BP, following a highly punctuated pattern until historic times. The paper ends with a comparison between the archaeological record of Lago Tar and Lago San Martin basins with other southern Patagonia cordillerean lacustrine basins in order to discuss the prehistoric peopling of the region.