The objective of this paper was to study site, hybrid cross and clone effects on total height, DBH, volume, wood basic density, fibre length and yield, of eleven poplars clones. 10-year-old hybrid poplar clones were sampled at two sites in Argentina (MD and EG). The material studied consisted of two poplar hybrid crosses Populus deltoides x P. deltoides and P. deltoides x P. nigra (P. x canadensis = P. x euramericana), as well as P. deltoides. Sites influenced significantly growth traits and wood density, hybrid influenced tree height, wood density and fibre length and clones influenced all variables. MD trees were 5% higher and 2% denser than EG trees, but EG trees were 7% greater in BDH and 11% more volume than the MD trees. P. deltoides and P. deltoides intra specific crosses were 4% higher and 4% denser than P. x canadensis trees. P. x canadensis fibre length was 3% higher than P. x deltoides. According to all properties, difference between site and hybrid were not very important. The properties of the clones had different responses regardless of the hybrid crosses. 610-31 and 564-17 clones (P. x deltoides) and 568-1 and Triplo (P. x canadensis) clones were distinguished.