We have examined the interstellar medium in the vicinity of massive stars belonging to the Per OB1 association based on neutral hydrogen 21 cm observations obtained with the 100 m radio telescope at Effelsberg (HPBW = 8′.4) and complementary data from the Leiden-Dwingeloo H I Survey (HPBW = 36′). The higher angular resolution H I observations allowed us to discover probable wind-blown bubbles related to four massive stars in the association, namely, HD 14442 [O5n(f)p], HD 14947 [O5If+], HD 13022 [O9.5II-III((n))], and HD 13338 [O9.5V], while the detection of a wind-blown bubble associated with HD 16691 [O5If+] is less conclusive. A clear H I shell coincident in position with two B1III stars (HD 15233 and Hilt 311) was also detected. Some of these features also have infrared and/or molecular counterparts. The energetics of the structures related to each massive star is analyzed. The new H I interstellar bubbles appear to be similar to the ones found surrounding Wolf-Rayet stars and other Of stars. The large-scale maps obtained using the lower angular resolution H I data show that most of the early-type stars belonging to Per OB1 are placed in a region of low H I emission. The association could have blown a H I shell of about 350 × 550 pc in size. This large H I shell has an infrared counterpart.