We present new and improved evolutionary calculations for carbon-oxygen white dwarf (WD) stars appropriate for the study of massive ZZ Ceti stars. To this end, we follow the complete evolution of massive WD progenitors from the zero-age main sequence through the thermally pulsing and mass loss phases to the WD regime. Abundance changes are accounted for by means of a full coupling between nuclear evolution and time-dependent mixing due to diffusive overshoot, semiconvection and salt fingers. In addition, time-dependent element diffusion for multicomponent gases has been considered during the WD stage. Emphasis is placed on the chemistry variations along the whole evolution. In particular, we find that before the ZZ Ceti stage is reached, element diffusion has strongly smoothed out the chemical profile to such a degree that the resulting internal abundance distribution does not depend on the occurrence of overshoot episodes during the thermally pulsing phase. The mass of the hydrogen envelope left at the ZZ Ceti domain amounts to MH ≈ 2.3 × 10-6 M⊙. This is about half as large as for the case when element diffusion is neglected. The implications of our new models for the pulsational properties of massive ZZ Ceti stars are discussed. In this regard, we find that the occurrence of core overshooting during central helium burning leaves strong imprints on the theoretical period spectrum of massive ZZ Ceti stars. Finally, we present a simple new prescription for calculating the He/H profile which goes beyond the trace element approximation.