En español
El autor se propone delimitar el área de distribución de Geochelone chilensis (Gray), cuya "terra typica" más conocida en la Argentina, es Mendoza. En sus investigaciones preliminares alcanza a describir los ambientes donde esta tortuga terrestre tiene mayor densidad y los ubica geográficamente. Sus primeras conclusiones permiten situarla preferentemente en regiones llanas, con suelo arenoso o salitroso, a altitudes entre 500 y 1000 m cubiertas de la vegetación típica del "Monte Occidental".
En inglés
The author's aim is to delimit the area of distribution of Geochelone chilensis (Gray). Mendoza being its best known "terra typica" in Argentina. In his preliminary research works he describes the different environments in which there is great density of this terrestrial turtle population and locates them geographically. Through his early conclusions, it is possible to locate this turtle in the lowlands, with sandy or saline soil, at altitudes of 500 to 1000 m, covered with the typical vegetation of "Monte Occidental". Furthermore, he makes reference to the food habits of this chelonian.