Título alternativo:State and political representation in contemporary Ecuador: The case of transport trade unions
This paper studies the relationship between Rafael Correa's government and the unionized carriers in Ecuador during 2007-2013. It gives special attention to the ways in which the government enables the political representation of the unionized carriers within the State. Such an issue questions two thesis that have been proposed by specialised literature when characterizing the Citizenship Revolution: that defining Correa's government as populist ignores the diverse social and political mediations that have been established between the social interests and the political power; and a second one that identifies the government as "anticorporation" failing to observe the different logics and spaces of representation which have been activated according to specific social and state negotiating fields. The case of the trade unions of transport reveals that the logics of representation enabled by the government are not only a result of presidential will but also of the "selectivities" at the center of the State and of the pressure exerted "from the bottom".
Información general
Fecha de publicación:2016
Idioma del documento:Francés
Revista:Cahiers des Ameriques Latines; vol. 2016, no. 83
Institución de origen:Instituto de Investigaciones en Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales
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