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This pot study assessed the effects of deferring forage during autumn and leaving as winter cover on reducing cold damage to plants of 2 tropical (C4) grasses (Chloris gayana and Panicum coloratum) in a temperate environment in La Plata, Buenos Aires, Argentina. Mature plants were subjected to the following treatments: (i) autumn-deferred forage retained (DF) as control; and (ii) autumn-deferred forage removed (DFR) cutting at 15 cm from soil level at beginning of winter. This experiment had 10 replicates per treatment and 1 plant per pot (experimental unit). Plants of both species were extracted from a commercial beef farm and transplanted into an experimental garden in pots where they grew outdoors from 2 February to 23 May (111 days) when treatments were applied. After winter, both grasses were cut to 15 cm in early spring (27 September) and spring growth was measured in November. Shoot biomass was harvested at ground level and separated into lower and upper layers (above and below 15 cm), leaf blades, sheaths and stolons. Daily air temperature, relative humidity and frost events were registered. Allometric analysis of shoot biomass was performed to determine the stress incidence by cold. DF plants achieved 55-80% higher shoot biomass than DFR plants during spring in both species. The allometric analysis revealed for P. coloratum significant relationships between shoot biomass from plant compartments (lower and upper layers, leaf blade and sheath) and total shoot biomass in both treatments, indicating good cold tolerance. However, for C. gayana, unlike DF plants, DFR plants were strongly stressed, showing a lack of shoot biomass fit. These results suggest that deferring autumn forage growth and retaining as winter cover may improve survival during winter and productivity during spring of these two tropical grasses in temperate pastoral systems. However, the study needs to be repeated under field conditions and under grazing or cutting over a number of years in different situations to verify these preliminary results.
En españolEn La Plata, Buenos Aires, Argentina, en un experimento en macetas a aire libre (condiciones de luz y temperatura naturales) se evaluó el efecto del forraje diferido como cobertura invernal en 2 gramíneas tropicales C4 (Chloris gayana y Panicum coloratum). Plantas adultas fueron extraídas de un establecimiento ganadero, trasplantadas a macetas en un jardín experimental y, después de crecer durante 111 días, sometidas el 23 de Mayo a los tratamientos: (1) control [sin remoción del forraje diferido de otoño (DF)]; y (2) remoción del forraje diferido de otoño (DFR) después de un corte a 15 cm del suelo. Se utilizaron 10 repeticiones por tratamiento y una planta por maceta (unidad experimental). Las plantas fueron cosechadas el 27 de Septiembre (después del invierno) y nuevamente en Noviembre, mediante corte a ras del suelo, para medir la biomasa del rebrote primaveral en los estratos superior (>15 cm) e inferior (<15 cm sobre el suelo), láminas, vainas y estolones. Se realizó un análisis alométrico para dilucidar la incidencia del estrés por frio y se registraron la temperatura del aire, la humedad relativa y la ocurrencia de heladas. Las plantas con forraje diferido alcanzaron una mayor biomasa (55‒80%) que aquellas con remoción del forraje. Panicum coloratum mostró un ajuste significativo entre la biomasa total y la biomasa de los diferentes estratos para ambos tratamientos, mostrando buena tolerancia al estrés por frio. Por otro lado, C. gayana mostró falta de ajuste de la biomasa y un mayor estrés por la remoción del forraje, mientras que las plantas sin remoción presentaron menor daño por frío y un mayor ajuste. La cobertura invernal del forraje diferido podría mejorar la productividad y supervivencia de estas especies forrajeras cuando son utilizadas en sistemas pastoriles templados. Estos resultados preliminares deben ser evaluados en condiciones de campo durante un mayor número de años, considerando diferentes estrategias de pastoreo.