Título alternativo:Patagonian herpetology VI. The species of Liolaemus of the Fitzingeri group in Santa Cruz and Chubut Provinces (Sauria, Iguanidae)
Ecological and morphological features of patagonian populations of Liolaemus fitzingeri are analyzed and discussed. The close serological relationships between different samples from Santa Cruz and Chubut provinces are pointed out. Two well defined geographical forms are recognized, in accordance with several significant morphological differences : Liolaemus fitzingeri fitzingeri (Dum. et Bibr.) from southern Chubut and S. Cm2, and Liolaemus fitzingeri melanops (Burmeister) from the borders of the basaltic meseta of Canquel, south Chubut River. A wide zone of sandy salt fiats may be assumed as a probable natural barrier of isolation betweeu these forms.
Material digitalizado en SEDICI gracias a la colaboración del Dr. Jorge Williams (FCNM-UNLP).
Información general
Fecha de publicación:noviembre 1973
Idioma del documento:Español
Revista:Physis C; vol. 32
Institución de origen:Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo
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