One of the most acute problems the world is facing now, is that of housing. To solve it, several solutions have been proposed, only three of which have been tried on a bigger scale: the direct intervention of the government, the private enterprise and the cooperative system. The first solution tried, has not been a success, as the unilateral intervention of the State could not solve the problem adequately; therefore an appeal was made to the private enterprise, to which some privileges were conceded; however, an other kind of enterprise should join its efforts to theirs, and this in our opinion would be the third solution of the problem, given by the cooperative system: the tenant cooperative and the credit cooperative. In the first system, the members would not be owners of the building but simple shareholders, with a right to a life a long location contract or to a renewable one. In the second case, the most interesting in our opinion, the cooperative would grant loans on mortgage, which could arrive to as much as 75-80% of the building's value, payable back in a determined number of years.