The concept of social change refers to alterations and modifications in the social behavior and the cultural values of determinated social systems and structures. In opposition to the so called social progress, social change has no teologic meaning. Social system means a structure of social processes and relations showing some regularity. The dichotomy between social statics (structures) and social dynamics (change) is therefore incorrect, because the first does not exist in reality. Cultural changes are but functions of the social changes. Among the functions which are contributions of a social system to the fundamental needs of its members to a more inclusive social system, the author distinguishes actual functions, latent or not evident functions and disfunctions (of negative effect).
With regard to causation, the author points out MAV IVER's classification into distributive, collective and conjunctural phenomena. To forecast and control socio-cultural phenomena, a scientific methods is necessary. After pointing out the conditions for a correct scientific methodology, the author explains the modern complementary and qualitative trends: typology, the same combined with psychology and cultural anthropology and the "functional process", which reduces social change to a manageable analytical process. Finally, he examines five basic aspects of the social change process: social deviations, innovations, the innovation valuating process the transition phase and the institutionalization process