It is evident the oscillations in money value and the abandoning of the gold-bullion standard, contributed to accentuate the chaotic situation in international trade, considerably decreasing its volume, annulling free trade and reducing it a system of barter and bilateral agreements. The aggravation of economic nationalist began to submit humanity to the greatest crisis known, which added to ideologic, political and social factors determined the outbreak of the second world war. With the creation of the International Monetary Fund and the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, the United Nations except to successfully overcome the difficulties and restore an era of collective security which insures general peace and property; however, in order to make this possible it will be necessary for the countries to commence by ordinating their internal problems. As far as the Argentine Republic is concerned, its programs may be exposed in few words: Loyal fulfillment of international commitments, to legislate in accordance with the requirements of the moment, procuring greater justice, to cooperate in a collective effort and to adapt the country to the new postwar features, it being our history duty not to remain indifferent to these grave problems