The study of the economic systems based on the analysis of the typical estructures of a region, will allow improve the disposition of economic policy inspired in a sounder and deeper knowledge of the economic schemas of the region.
The Argentine Northwestern Region, limited after rational criterium can be estudied in its structure because of the diversity of elements which give that territory its particular appearance and definition.
On account of the conclusions of this research, and particularly with the aid of the economic systematic of Sombart and Wagemann, it is possible to conclude definitely to the coexistence of four principal groups of economic systems: 1. The precapitalist autosufficiency system which, covers the main part of this area in two wide parallel bands;
2. The traditional system of the rural economy of traffic, net to the former;
3. The system of economy artisan another precapitalist type of which settles over the autskiot districts;
4. The capitalist system according to Sombart reducet from its surface statement to the central forms of the regional expansion